2008年10月21日 星期二

Comprehension - Healthy weight loss

I believe that it is time for some plain common sense about losing weight.

Being overweight is serious and it is an increasing problem, especially for children. It is destroying their health and, in some cases, causing great unhappiness.

Weight loss can be so simple but you shouldn't expect it to happen quickly. Research has shown how unhealthy it is for your weight to go up and down as it often does when people follow crash diets.

It makes me angry to see the amount of time and money people waste on expensive weight loss treatments and programmes. What is even more worrying is that so many people are putting their health at risk with some of these fad crash diets, especially those that do not allow food from some of the important food groups.

There are only two simple rules to follow to lose weight or to maintain a healthy weight. They are to eat a balanced diet with less fat and sugar and to exercise more.

You don't have to starve to lose weight. If you eat fewer sweets things like lollies, cakes and biscuits, eat more fruit and vegetables, drink water instead of soft drinks and juices, and reduce facts by eating less fried food, you will lose weight and be healthier.

You don't need to pay a lot of money to join a gym or buy expensive equipment. Exercise should be part of your everyday life, like walking or cycling instead of going by car. Your need to be active instead of watching TV or sitting at a computer. Start some organized activity you'll keep up because you enjoy it.

It is important that you continue with your lifestyle changes, not just for a few days, weeks or months. Of course, sometimes you will eat the wrong food and that is fine as long as it only happens occasionally and you normally eat, drink and exercise wisely.

It really shouldn't be too complicated, difficult or expensive to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. You just need to be patient and makes some changes to your life. If you do, you can be healthier and have a much better future without spending a lot of money and making a lot other people very rich.
